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Mobills Budget Planner and Track your Finances
Mobills Inc.
With Mobills you can take control of your finances in a fewminutesand have financial peace of mind every month. Mobills is aBudgetapp that allows you to create a custom monthly budget thatwillhelp you take control of your money. You are able to manageyourmoney, track your spending, and achieve your financial goalsall inone place. Budgeting just got easy Mobills helps you createamonthly budget. When you create a plan for your money, you arethenable to ensure that you will always have enough for the thingsyouneed and the things that are important to you. By using Mobillsyoucan planner yours bills payments, you can also stay out ofdebt,and save money. ▸ Track your expenses and income The app hasanintuitive and easy to use interface so that you can trackyourbudget hassle-free. ▸ Know where your money is goingAvoidscattered information in notes, statements, andexpensespreadsheets. With Mobills, you can analyze your personalfinancesin a comprehensive manner, using graphs and reports. ▸BudgetPlanner and Bill Reminder You are able to plan your financesandgoals by creating categories. Thus, creating a customizedbudgetthat works for you and your family, while tracking yourexpensesthroughout the month. ▸ Credit card control Can manage allyourcredit cards in one place. Track your limit, total amount due,andnever lose control of your personal finances again with abuilt-inbill payment reminder. ▸ Learn how to save and keep yourfinancesunder control When you take control and categorize yourexpenses,you will know exactly what you are spending and how youcan avoidoverspending. ▸ Never miss a bill's due date You will bealertedevery time a bill needs to be paid. Which allows you totakecontrol of due dates, and gives you financial tranquility. Doyouhave difficulties save money? Think about saving and havingbudgetplanner? Are you in search of a personalized financial guideandthe best finance app? Mobills is a budget app with featurescreatedfor you to replace your monthly spending spreadsheet. SomeFeatures▸ Credit card manager ▸ Customized graphs and reports ▸Advancedfilters by bill, category, and tag ▸ Cloud synchronization(you canuse it online and offline) ▸ Financial goals manager ▸Expenseswith geolocation (location permission) ▸ Store and saveyourreceipts ▸ Exporting and importing of EXCEL, OFX andPDFspreadsheets (media permission) ▸ Bill payment alerts(notificationby email) ▸ Monthly and Annual cash flow graphs ▸ BillReminderMobills Free is personal finance app with somelimitations.However, Premium Users have access to all the featuresdescribedabove.
Compound Interest 5.3.1
Mobills Inc.
Calculate compound interest with ease. Ideal to simulateinvestmentsin savings, among others. Discover the magic ofinterest on interestwith this free app. Perfect to simulate thefinal value of aninvestment with fixed interest. Enter the initialvalue (which youalready have), the monthly value (how much youwant to deposit everymonth), the interest rate and the period(total amount of months)and find the final value accumulatedthrough compound interest.
52 Weeks Money Challenge - Free 4.4.1
Mobills Inc.
This app was created based on the popular 52-week Challengeforsaving money. The challenge's idea is very simple and perfectforthose who have difficulties in planning and, mainly, insavingmoney. If you are like that, this is a great way to startsavingmoney and gather a good amount after 1 year. The challengeisbasically about saving a certain amount every week. In ordertofollow the original idea, you should save $ 1.00 in the firstweek,$ 2.00 in the second week, $ 3.00 in the third week... up to$52.00 in the 52nd week. By doing that and completing thechallenge,you'll have at least $ 1,378.00 after the 52 weeks (1year) to helpyou with Christmas shopping, a vacation trip or evento establishan emergency fund. You may use it as you wish. Forthose who areable to and want to save even more, there is also thepossibilityto start the challenge with $ 2, $ 3, $ 4, $ 5, or up to$ 10(highest suggested amount to start the challenge) and save upto $13,780.00 in only one year! It's also important to highlightthatby depositing money into your Savings Account or investinginTreasury Direct, you'll end up with extra earnings. Get toknowsome advantages of the 52-week challenge: - You get used tosavingso that it becomes a habit; - By defining the amount andperiod forsaving, you'll get convinced to rise to the challenge; -It's easyto start it and, as it gets more challenging, you'll beused tothat; - In order to complete the challenge during all weeks,you'llprobably have to control your expenses and avoidunnecessaryexpenses; - You learn how to say “No” to waste andimpulse buying.The app's features include: - Add a challenge, withan amount and astarting time, which gives the app theresponsibility to manage allthe dates and amounts after that; -Follow the challenge createdover the weeks and control thedeposits; - Weekly remindernotifications for the deposits.
Educação Financeira by Mobills 2.0.2
Mobills Inc.
MobillsEdu - Learn how to get out of debt, how to save and how toinvest.
Eu Emprestei - Loan Manager 1.0.7
Mobills Inc.
To control that money you loaned, but not yet received. LoanManager
MyBills - Bill reminder 2.3.8
Mobills Inc.
MyBills - Bill reminder Never miss the payment day of yourexpenses!With MyBills you can easily manage all your bills and donot misspaying then before its due dates. With MyBills you canregister yourbills with a simple way, even this, its possible tomanage all yourrecurring bills as monthly, semester and yearly.With this, MyBillswill automatically reminds you before all yourbills due dates.Besides that, you can list all your paid bills.MyBills features: -Manage all bills - Friendly notifications andreminders of yourbills - Ease manage your pendings and overduesbills - Search toeasily find an expense to pay - Paid billshistory MyBills is a freeapplication developed by Mobills. It wascreated to be a simplereminder of bills to pay, so you canorganize your financial life,do not miss the due dates of yourbills and, consequently, do nothave to pay interests. If you wantto have complete financialcontrol, download Mobills the best andmost complete PersonalFinancial Management app.
Tá Pago! - Organizar boletos 2.4.0
Mobills Inc.
Melhore o gerenciamento de boletos e contas e não perca mais o diado vencimento baixando o Tá Pago! Com o Tá Pago! você cadastratodas as suas faturas em um lugar só, agiliza na hora do pagamentocopiando o código de barras com apenas um toque e ainda é lembradosempre que chegar o dia do vencimento da conta. Perdeu o boleto?Com o app também é possível emitir a segunda via de boletos dosprincipais bancos, instituições financeiras, operadoras einstituições de cobrança. Quer mais praticidade? Com o app Tá Pago!você também pode salvar seus recibos, assim você não precisa sepreocupar com o desgate do papel do recibo. ✅Principaisfuncionalidades: - Cadastre seus boletos de forma rápida: Com o TáPago! você pode escanear códigos de barra, que o aplicativo vaiautomaticamente guardar os números para que você não precisedigita-los; - Receba notificações próximo ao vencimento da fatura;Cansado de sempre esquecer de pagar faturas e boletos? Aqui vocêrecebe notificações pra te lembrar de efetuar o pagamento; - Emitasegunda via de boletos; Se por algum motivo você esquecer ou nãoconseguir pagar um boleto, no Tá Pago! você pode emitir segunda viado boleto direto pelo aplicativo; - Salve recibos Nem sempre éfácil lembrar de guardar todos os recibos de pagamento queefetuamos, ou muitas vezes as notas simplesmente se apagam. Aqui noTá Pago! a gente deu um jeito nisso, digitalizando e salvando osseus recibos. 🏦Instituições financeiras: O Tá Pago emite a segundavia de boleto das principais instituições financeiras: bancostradicionais, bancos digitais, fintechs, operadoras e empresas decobrança. Leia nossos termos de uso e política de privacidade:
Piggy - Money Savings Goals 3.47
Mobills Inc. is a simple digital piggy bank: • Deposit andwithdrawyour coins and banknotes 💵 • Create as many piggy banks asyou want🐖🐖🐖 • See a list of all detailed transactions with date,bills andtotal amount 🕵🏽‍♀️ • Have fun with the sound effects whensaving orwithdrawing money 🔊 • Protect with password or biometrics🔐
Calculadora de Investimentos 1.0.2
Mobills Inc.
Calculadora de Investimentos é um app que reúne asprincipaiscalculadoras que você vai precisar no dia a dia. Com aCalculadoraFinanceira é possível fazer o cálculo de investimentos,juroscompostos e também cálculos relacionados a férias esaláriolíquido. Calculadora de juros compostos: - Os juroscompostos são aprática de juros sobre juros. Descubra agora comomultiplicar seudinheiro com esse poderoso aliado. Calculadora deinvestimentos: -Simule e descubra quais são as melhores opções deaplicaçõesfinanceiras em renda fixa para multiplicar seu dinheirocomsegurança. Calculadora de salário líquido: - Descubraquantoreceberá de fato! Realize seu cálculo de salário líquido apartirdo salário bruto e dos principais descontos do seusalário.Calculadora de férias: - Não sabe quanto deve receber antesde sairpara o merecido descanso de férias? Realize o cálculo desuasférias de maneira simples e rápida. Desenvolvido por Mobills.Leianossos termos de uso e política deprivacidade:
Mobills Cartões e Crédito
Mobills Inc.
Credit card, digital account and loan in the palm of yourhand.Download the app!